Managing finances in the face of job uncertainty

First Tech’s new resource page aims to help you navigate financial challenges while between jobs. 

Full disclosure: First Tech Federal Credit Union is a sponsor of PDXWIT. The links in this article will take you to their products, services, and other content.

Unexpected job loss can be devastating, but there are actions you can take to protect your finances. First Tech Federal Credit Union was founded upon the philosophy of people helping people, and we have been helping people at some of the world’s leading tech companies navigate their financial futures for over 70 years, including preparing for times of job uncertainty. First Tech has a new comprehensive program to guide you through job transitions in the tech industry.

First Tech members can take advantage of a wealth of financial resources aimed at supporting tech employees during job transitions, including:

  • Financial education: Browse articles and videos with tips for budgeting, smart money moves, landing your next tech job and more. First Tech is a member-owner financial institution, whose role is to provide the resources necessary to help members and their families make informed decisions to improve their financial lives.

  • Financial calculators: When you need to plan for any fluctuation in your financial life, built-in calculators can give you specific answers. First Tech’s financial calculators can help you make the most of your budget when your income is reduced, and plan ahead for your savings and retirement goals. 

  • No-cost consultations: Meet one-on-one with First Tech’s team of financial experts, either in person or virtually, and make a plan for your short and long-term future.  First Tech’s experts can offer guidance to help put you on a clear path forward. 

  • Emergency assistance program: First Tech offers a special program to aid members that are experiencing financial hardship. With loan payment extensions, emergency loans and other individualized financial support, you’re supported no matter what life throws your way.

In the case of a layoff, you may have received a severance package, final paycheck, or a payout of any accrued paid time off. You may also have questions about your 401(k) plan and other investment vehicles, or you may be wondering about unemployment benefits. If you planned ahead, you could have an emergency savings account to utilize—and if not, you can make an emergency savings account a priority when better times prevail.

Not sure what your next step is? Feel like you could be better prepared for a potential job loss? First Tech has resources to help you manage your financial future confidently, so you can stay on your feet and move ahead with your financial goals while your next career move awaits. 

Isabel J. Rodriguez