PDXWIT Awards 5 #InvestingInYou Scholarships to Members of the Community


Twice a year, PDXWIT opens up our #InvestingInYou Scholarship program. In the past, this program enabled folks to attend conferences all over the country by paying for their conference fees as well as airfare, lodging, and food. This spring, in the midst of a global pandemic, we realized we had to shift what was being offered to adapt to our new socially distant reality.

We decided to offer funds for virtual learning experiences – classes, bootcamps, certification programs – as well as for any software, hardware, or other equipment that would help someone level up in their career. 

We realized that adapting to a virtual scholarship program, in addition to being a necessary change, also opened up this opportunity to folks outside of the tech industry who might be considering a career change. This spring brought a lot of rapid change, including mass layoffs. We were glad that the #InvestingInYou program was able to reach a broader audience, from students and tech industry folks looking to level up to laid-off service industry workers.  

This is the fifth round of the #InvestingInYou Scholarship and was sponsored by AWS. The scholarship committee reviewed 42 applications from a diverse group, some of whom were already in the tech industry as well as students and those interested in transitioning to tech. 

Meet the Winners of PDXWIT’s Investing In You 2020 Spring Round 

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Briseida Pagador | Full-Stack Software Engineer student at Alchemy Code Lab | Alchemy Code Lab

“This scholarship is impactful in my life because it financially supports the radical career shift I've committed to. On the other side of my current educational journey, there are bills, loan payments, and monetary responsibilities this scholarship helps to alleviate, thereby helping alleviate emotional and mental stress concerning the matter.” 

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Lisa alexander | Payroll and Benefits Specialist | Code Academy Membership

“By attending this event I hope to join a network that will inspire me in ways that will help me grow professionally and add value to my community.” 


Betzabe Villarreal | Business Analyst & Student of Data Analytics at Boston University | Python for Web Apps & Data

“I will be using this scholarship to prepare me better for my next career or life. I have always felt PDXWIT has given me an opportunity to see my career can change and to see others go through the changes I have been through, but mostly inspires me and I hope I can inspire others.”


Leana Mayzlina | Sr Program Manager | Emotionally Intelligent Leader Certificate

“Completing this program will allow me to learn the emotional intelligence skills necessary to lead through compassion and empathy. I strive to support others in becoming the best versions of themselves, and this opportunity will allow me to best guide other individuals in pursuing their goals with vulnerability, courage, and confidence.”


Ginnie Lin | Returned Peace Corps Volunteer | User Experience Design

“With the scholarship, I'll be attending an online class on material I've never learned before. In the past, I didn't consider UX Design so this would be my first foray into the industry.”


Kris Hatch-McCarter | Unemployed | Treehouse Tech Degree

“I am looking to pivot from a 25 year accounting management career into a new career in tech.”

By the Numbers 

  • PDXWIT’s Investing in You Scholarship has offered nearly $50,000 towards class/conference/bootcamp fees, software and hardware needs, as well as food, lodging, and travel expenses for in-person conferences.

  • Since its inception in 2018, this scholarship program has empowered 26 people to attend conferences or classes of their choosing. 

  • For this round of scholarships, 42 applications received an average of three reviews each from 10 volunteer reviewers.

To support future scholarships and PDXWIT’s continued work advancing inclusion in tech, please consider making a donation.