The Future of PDXWIT

PDXWIT staff and volunteers at 2020 Team New Year’s Celebration [pre- social distancing]

PDXWIT staff and volunteers at 2020 Team New Year’s Celebration [pre- social distancing]

PDXWIT is on a journey, and I know we’re not alone in that. 

Mirroring what is true in the world, there will be a pre-COVID-19 PDXWIT and a post-COVID-19 PDXWIT. Our organization must continuously evolve in order to continue following through on our promise of encouraging women, non-binary and underrepresented people to join and stay in tech. While we wish a global crisis didn’t need to be the catalyst for us to innovate our programming, we feel that the changes we’re making will extend far beyond this crisis and deepen our commitment to equity in technology. 

In early March, we were getting ready to open up applications for our biannual scholarship program, which supports recipients’ professional development by funding the travel and cost to attend tech conferences. Then, the world suddenly shifted to a socially distant one. Conferences, of course, have been cancelled and there’s no telling when they will be rescheduled and/or when people will feel safe attending events with large groups of people again. 

Let’s be honest: we are collectively experiencing trauma. If you’ve been to a grocery store recently, you know that being in a public space feels somewhere between uncomfortable and scary. With everything going on in the world right now, it’s understandable that the thought of a crowded keynote or shaking hands with hundreds of people at a conference has lost its luster. 

So, we must adapt. This year, our scholarship funds are intended for virtual learning opportunities. Want to attend an online seminar that’s out of your budget? We’ve got you covered! Need some special software to teach yourself a new coding language? Our scholarship can help! 

We realized that adapting to a virtual scholarship program will not only help those who are already in tech, but will also open doors for more people to pivot into tech — perhaps some who never thought a career in this industry was possible. Suddenly, we have a unique opportunity to reach those individuals. We would love for a server who has been laid off to see this opportunity to skill up for a job in the tech industry. We also want the laid off tech worker to have a chance to keep their skills sharp. 

And our scholarship isn’t the only way we’re shifting gears. As you may know, our organization started with in-person events and many see those as the beating heart of PDXWIT. Our events are an uplifting and inclusive place for people working in tech (or hoping to work in tech) to connect with and support one another, and we’re excited to make that experience entirely digital. 

Due to inevitable and unfortunate layoffs happening throughout countless companies, there are more talented folks out there looking for jobs than ever.  Starting with our April 21st Happy Hour, we incorporated a virtual job seekers lounge where hundreds of people connected with hiring managers in real-time. 

We hope you’ll join us as we head straight into a future that is looking pretty bright from here.

Elizabeth Stock is the Executive Director of PDX Women in Tech (PDXWIT), an organization dedicated to advancing inclusion in the tech industry. PDXWIT brings together and empowers those who identify as women, non-binary and underrepresented to join and stay in tech — an industry that is truly shaping the future of humanity. Connect with Elizabeth on Twitter and LinkedIn.

PDX Women in Technology