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Meet Kasey Tonsfeldt

I initially got involved with PDXWIT sitting at a coffee shop with Megan bemoaning the lack of community for women in technology in Portland. It didn't take very long before we decided to start one ourselves. And thus, WIT was born! Starting one January, we all met up at a bar once a month. By late spring, businesses were hosting us. The group has gone from 15 to over 1000 members on LinkedIn in about 3.5 years.

My connections/friends at PDXWIT have helped me by giving sage advice when I'm frustrated, encouragement when I feel stuck, and congratulations when things go well. PDXWIT has reminded me time and again to turn to my network when I need help because they'll help you much faster than simply scrolling through the job ads.

Unfortunately work travel, and now a summer with a broken foot, has kept me away from PDXWIT for a while, but I am the group's biggest fan, refer a ton of people there, and I'll see you all soon once I'm off crutches!

My biggest piece of advice is just go, meet people, and learn something. I love PDXWIT because attendees come from very diverse backgrounds, career paths, skill sets, and personalities. The events are never boring and it's always really rewarding to see so many women sharing, bonding, and helping each other.